QTP being a commercial tool, comes at a good cost. But that does not stop us from Learning (and not mastering) the basics of automation. The 30 day trial version can be easily downloaded to your laptop by following the below steps: Step 1. Type the below URL in your browser address bar and click Enter. Click on the link named “Start you UFT Trial Now” present on the web page that opens. Upon clicking this link, you are re-directed to a sign up page.

Qtp 11 Download Hp Site

Complete Guide to download and install QTP - Trial / Free / Paid version. Installing the trial version of HP UFT or QTP from the Micro Focus site is a 2-step process. Part 1) Download; Part 2) Installation. Click the download button. Step 11) In the next screen, Click on UFT_14.01_Setup.exe.

Install Mysql Module Php Windows Hosting. Fill in your details and click on ‘Sign Up’ page. Sign UP Step 4. Once you click on the ‘Sign Up’ button, you will see a message displayed on the next page as below: Check email Step 5. Click on the link you receive in your registered mailbox from ‘HPE Software’ and you will get to the below screen. Open via email Step 6. Click on the Download button shown on this page You will then be re-directed to the below page, where-in you have to select the option as ‘A full installation package’ and click on the below highlighted link. Once you click on the link, downloading will start automatically.

UFT Downloads Step 7. Once the set up file(~2.4 GB) is completely downloaded to your computer, you will notice that the file is Zipped.

Unzip the file and execute the ‘Setup.exe’ file(shown below) in the unzipped folder contents. Tip: Before unzipping, Copy this zipped file to the root folder of the Windows drive (commonly C: ) as many a time, when installing, the installation wizard throws an error saying ‘Installation path too long.’ Step 8. Select the Option ‘Unified Functional Testing Setup’ from the window that opens up as shown below: Start Download Step 9.

If there are any pre-requisite programs to be installed before UFT installation, which are indicated by the installation wizard, go ahead and click to install them. Then click ‘Next’ button on the below wizard to continue. SetUpWizard Step 11.

Check the option for ‘I accept the terms in the License Agreement’ and then click on OK. In the Custom Set up Window, select the plugins that are required for your automation. You Should select the plugins based on the technology of your application under test.

For Example, If your application is based on.NET then you should ensure that you select.NET. Click on ‘Next’ thereafter.

Select Add-ins Step 12. Post this, there will be another window, asking you for UFT Configuration options. Select all the options and click ‘Install’.

UFT Configuration Step 13. Once the installation is complete, the below message will be displayed. Click on Finish and you’re done with the installation!

Installation Complete Step 14. Double click on the UFT icon from your desktop. A license warning message will be displayed as below. Click on Continue as we are using the trial version that is valid for 30 days. This warning message will be displayed every time you ‘Launch’ the UFT. License warning Step 15.

From the add-in manager, select the add-ins needed for your application under test and you are good to go! The tool is ready to serve all the Automation learning needs and is all yours to play, but do remember the life-line with the trial version is 30 days.

Post that, you will need to buy a license to use it. Exercise Programmation Assembleur 8086 Pdf Printer.

HP QTP 11 Cumulative Patch Releases Last week HP released two new patches that contain all their previous patch releases rolled into on big patch: • is a cumulative patch that provides important WPF Add-in fixes as well as some other.NET Add-in fixes. This patch is also said to improve runtime performance by enabling QuickTest to identify Silverlight test objects more quickly, and it provides testing support for Silverlight 2, 3, 4 and 5. • – This is a cumulative patch that provides important Web Add-in fixes as well as support for Mozilla Firefox versions 4.0.x, 5.0.x, 6.0.x, 7.0.x, and 8.0.x. To Get the Patches To get the Web, Firefox, WPF and Silverlight patches you can download them from: All QTP 11 Patches For an updated list of all patches available for QTP 11 check out the Patches section in my article: Please don’t ask me for HP Patches Due to HP’s legal department I can no longer post these patches on my web site as I explained in my post ““.

I know how you feel – Joe’s site was a great venue for patch aquisition and made life easier for many of us. I gave up on finding patches on HP’s support site years ago. One approach is to open a support ticket with HP to get a patch. I’ve done this before and had results within a couple of days. This works okay for something where the need isn’t critical.